Puppets in Spaaaaace

Sep 12, 2012 13:33

Puppets are awesome.  So is science fiction, much of the time. So puppets and science fiction make one awesome mash-up.  Hence, a blatant pitch for a brand-new Kickstarter for Melonpool: The Motion Picture, a nifty-looking take on Star Trek and the Muppet Show and other great tastes that taste great together. Here you can see the puppets of Melonpool begging for their survival demonstrating a little of what goes into making this kind of feature. It’s also slated to be directed by Jon Stout, who produced and directed the award-winning (including Best Fantasy at DragonCon in 2010) movie Bottles.

Rewards range from thanks to t-shirts, DVDs and comic books, to Space Puppet Boot Camp. They need to raise a comparatively modest $3,500 in the next 46 days to fund a camera as well as materials for new puppets, and they’re even going green by building everything they can from recycled products. So please clicky in the click-space and check it out.

Cross posted to Samantha Henderson's Blog
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