Well, that was an interesting start to 2011. Let's never do that again, OK? In fact, we'll just draw a veil over that little episode.
Belatedly! But joyously! reporting that Drabblecast ended 2010 with a podcast of my swampy tale "
Scales," first published in Lone Star Stories. It's got a killer narration by
AuralSpice (with a secondary character voice that literally made me jump in my seat when I heard it) and is preceeded by a clever and fun drabble by Craig Sokol. The artwork, by Adam Doyle, is very squee-worthy indeed and
available as a poster, even!
Seguing gracefully if gruesomely from shapeshifting to the undead, Drabblecast begins 2011 with the chilling zombie tale, "
The Distant Sound of Hammers," by S. Boyd Taylor.