i <3 surveys

Jan 09, 2005 13:47

Start time: 1:50
Name On Birth Certificate: Samantha Lee Smith
Nickname: Sami, sam, samgam, boo, sampster, samala
Birthday:november 28th
School: GN
Email: samigirlhere28@cox.net
Color of Eyes: bluey/Green
Color of hair: Dirty blonde
Shoe size: 10, just like my sister and mom 
Brothers/Sisters: 1 older sister
Age of Brothers/Sisters: 16 1/2
When Is Your Bedtime: Whenever i pass out

-------------Have You Ever-------------------------
Been So Drunk You Blacked Out: No
Been In A Car Accident: Yes
Been Hurt Emotionally: Yeah
Cried During A Movie: yes
Have A Crush On A Teacher: NO
Been On Stage: Yes

Shampoo: garneir or my vanilla plum stuff
Soap: tone, smells good
Color: green
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: winter
Cartoon Characters: um
Fave Food: french fries?
Fave Movie: you cannot possibly ask me that
Fave Ice Cream: mint, cookie dough
Fave Subject: civics or english
Fave Drink: water
Fave Person: smellby!!!!!!!!!!!
---------------------Right Now-----------------------
Wearing: pj pants and my harry and the potters shirt.
Drinking: water
Thinking About: my clean room
Listening To: incubus
Talking To: brandon, victoria, and knee
Watching: the compy screen
------------------In The Last 24 HRS--------------
Cried: no
Worn A Skirt: no, too cold.
Met Someone New: yes
Done Laundry: no
Driven A Car: no
-----------Do You Believe In-------------------------
Yourself: i guess
Your Friends: duh
Santa Clauses: um....no
Tooth Fairy: no
Destiny/Fate:sort of
Angels: not quite
Ghosts: no.
UFO's: No

Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope
Who Have You Known The Longest Of Your Friends: lucy
Who's The Loudest: me and lucy, when we find something thats not funny but laugh anyways
Who's The Shyest: kara a.
Who's The Weirdest: lucy
What's The worst Feeling In The World: not being able to breath
Finish time: 2:10

A - Age: 14
B - Bands listening to right now: muse
C - Career of the future: I dont know
D - Dad's Name: Billy/William/Bill
E - Ethnic Background: mostly irish
F - Favorite song at the moment:showbiz
G - Great escape: talking to a friend
H - Hometown: Va Beach
I - Instrument:violin
J - Job Title: student
K - Kids: can be cool
L - Last person you talked to on the phone: camille
M - Mom's Name:kathy/katherine
N - Number of Siblings: 1 older sister
O - Oldest Sibling: Shelby
P - Phobia[s] / Fear[s]: spiders
Q - Favorite Quote: idk
S - Song you sang last: megalomaniac
T - Time you wake up: 7:30 on week days and whenever i wake up on weekends
U - Unknown fact about me: i dont know
V - Vegetable you Hate:peas
W - Worst Habit: asking to many questions
X - X-rays you've had: in my mouth
Y - Yummy Food: pizza
Z - Zodiac Sign: saggitariusss
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