Dec 16, 2008 19:42


Not much to tell.

I succeeded at: Learning a new language (Urdu); moving house; meeting new (and wonderful) people; falling in love again (an occupational hazard that happens every day, really); getting a new job that doesn't pay well but that I enjoy; meeting old friends all over again, and loving it; making a complete idiot of myself on numerous occasions; going to my brother's graduation (eep, how old does that make me feel...); exploring West Yorkshire, and gosh it's beautiful; remembering how to draw; making someone's life better by being me; writing something beautiful; remembering all the good parts of roleplaying, and begin to forget the bad; discovering how wonderful other people are, and how forgiving of my faults; becoming vegetarian; seeing dodgy images in the Christmas lights on the Alhambra; learning to touch type at ludicrous speed; learning how to be a mother; remembering what it means to be a daughter; and getting something off my back that has haunted me for a long long time.

Being me.

I failed at: Getting published; doing anything to completion; starting my new degree (although New Year, watch out); drawing; being a Muse; doing anything constructive and rewarding; spending my time in new and innovative ways; being a good friend; painting Craftworld Fluffy Cloud and Kinband Fluffy Cloud; stopping caring about people who play their MP3s too loud on the train; enjoying my commute; being compassionate when it mattered; stopping worrying; stopping saying unnecessary sorries; being a good partner; overcoming all my mental blocks and nutty psychoses, although I've made a good start; getting a job that didn't involve walking through Bradford in the dark.

So... yeah.

Not bad overall.

Wishing you all a most inspiring and joyful Christmas, and an accomplished and new New Year!

I love you. XXX

Edited: 1) The comment on falling in love again only ever and will apply to one person, no matter what that person may expostulate on seeing what I posted :) and 2) learning to be a mother has no colouring on reality. It's about something else. I'm not pregnant, nor have plans to be in the near future. Thank you critics, and goodnight :P
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