Sep 30, 2007 19:12

Yesterday...rocked. So much. Went out for breakfast in Southbank in the morning...well actually we missed breakfast (finishes at 11am!!! Psshhh), but had other stuff stuff which was groovy. Then wandered the city/valley with Adrian and later met up with Rawry, Steph and Dice. Twas nice, although we stayed out a bit late and I had a mad rush to try get ready for the Fascination Street Ball. Arrgghhh such a good time! Unfreakinbelieveable. After Wednesday night's antibiotics + alcohol debaucle, I took it easy on the beer. I think I rather prefer being a sober idiot to being a drunken idiot. Not enough darncing was had...well it closed at 1 so there wasn't much time :(. But it was still good fun, and afterwards went to the Pancake Manor with Adrian, Mark and Didly. Weeoooo I totally stole some of her wedges with cheese on them!~!!!!! They should freakin well put cheese on EVERYTHING!

Well here are pics from the manor. Well...Adrian camwhored mostly. Eh but if I were that good at it, I spose I would as well ;P. giggity giggity giggity GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<

Note that these were taken after we had all been clubbing and then walked from New Farm to the Pancake Manor, hence tired expressions, smudged makeup. Trashy is the new hot, though. Sure! Gosh I look tired.

Sooo sleepy

Mark n Didleh




...yep. He's my favourite blue haired boy ever!!! ;)
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