And now to update on what's been happening since that little window to the past last post.
On the real life front - my honours year is so very nearly over. Just two months left and I will be free of uni forever. I'm a little behind my schedule for the thesis writing at the moment, but in general I'm feeling pretty good about what I've done so far. I have actual real results to report so that's always nice.
And as far as tv shows are concerned (so much more interesting) - Due south is still ridiculously entertaining. And Benton Fraser is still ridiculously attractive. I took a short break just before the end of season 2, because I couldn't stand the thought of losing Ray. Despite the fact that I knew I would adore the new Ray just as much, if not more. In the end I bit the bullet and went ahead and watched the end of season 2 and started on season 3. And I do miss Vecchio, not having him there has made me realize just how great he was. But that's not to say I don't love RayK. Because I really, really do. A lot. But he's a very different Ray, and it's a different dynamic and it makes the whole thing a slightly different show. But still totally fantastic. Speaking of totally fantastic - I just started watching season 4 last night and Poncho!Ray may just be the bestest thing ever. Check out my icon! What could possibly be better than that? And while I'm speaking of speaking ofs...
Speaking of Callum Keith Rennie, the other main show that is currently dominating my every waking thought is Battlestar Galactica. I got the season 2 DVDs as soon as they came out here in Australia, but then I decided I'd wait and watch them with my mum, since she had really enjoyed the first season when it was on here. So now we're rewatching season one because it's been so long since it was on neither of us could really remember much of what had happened. But back to the "speaking of CKR" bit - several weeks ago, before I had started on season 3 of Due South and before all those spoilers about season 3 of BSG, I was hit with a sudden and inexplicable love of Leoben. He is now my very favourite cylon, quite possibly my very favourite character, as I've never been particularly madly in love with any of the others. I have no idea why. Anyway it finally resulted in a
Kara/Leoben video, and I am now spending my time trying to make icons out of truly terrible caps of various season 3 trailers.
As for SG1 and Atlantis, I am now finally all caught up. I am feeling strangely ambivalent about SG1's cancellation. On the one hand I think one more season would have been fantastic, and on the other I think ten seasons really is plenty. And it's not like it'll be totally over - as long as Atlantis is still on the air the storylines and the characters can still continue. In a way it's quite a similar situation to how Buffy ended. It also had quite a good run, it had in some sense come to an ending and there was still a show in that universe on the air. And I coped okay with Buffy ending. Hopefully it won't mean the same thing for Atlantis as it did for Angel, because I am still not over that :(
I cannot believe I missed Talk Like a Pirate Day. Every single year I realize the day after.