Sep 17, 2007 23:00
Feeling quite drunk actually...which is quite embarrassing considering the amount I've had. There's something about pubs...they always seem to get you pissed quicker than if you drunk the same amount at home. Maybe it's because I'm not drinking quite so much, and my tolerence is finally going back to normal. Either way, I've had a great evening. Lots of pool, chatting about sex, drugs, and putting the world to rights.
I've moved back home now, I thought it'd be horrible and really hard and lonely, but infact it's easier and I feel alot more at ease and a lot more loved. I think it's because I feel less paranoid and more chilled out, I do things at my own pace. I've seen friends almost everyday, and feel like I can be myself. I love getting mashed on whatevers going, but recently I've felt like I don't really know how to be myself when I'm sobar and I've felt quite insecure, it's only been a week but already I'm much more outgoing and happier in myself. Been seeing Sammy and Megan quite abit, they're great girls and always cheer me up. Saw little Emm who I haven't seen in a while, seen Fez, Roz, Alice, going shopping with little gay Matt this week, meeting up with a couple of other old mates tomorrow...everythigns going quite well. Apart from the job hunting, thats going crap because I'm a lazy shite...but I've had so much overtime at work recently it hasn't mattered too much. Still, I need all the money I can get. I really wanna sort my passport out, I really wanna be able to go to Scotland and Brighton soon, and I wanna save up for moving away next year. I really wanna do it, I'm so bored round here. In the last couple of months I've learnt to appreciate southampton alot more but it's still not enough.
The guy on the printer cartridge packaging really looks like Dave groul and it keeps making me laugh (!!!)
Anyway, I better get some kip in a sec, its early but I'm exhausted, its been a busy day, and I've got another real busy day tomorrow and wednesday...and friday and saturday! Think thursdays the only quiet day I've got at the mo! Hey - maybe Ill use it to get a proper job...
Love to everyone who wants it :)