Wise old Dr Diaps...

Apr 12, 2007 13:35

Really bored today. Had a half day, now at mums with fuck all to do. Its so sunny outside! Everyones at work etc. Gay. Still, I guess it'll give me abit of 'me' time, I really need it at the moment. Or maybe I don't. Maybe being alone and thinking too much is bad for me. I always sit around dreaming and trying to figure things out, and normally come to a conclusion that is a bunch of crap but I start to believe it anyway.
Aaaannnnnnyyyyyywwwaaaaaayyyyyy, I feel alittle happier. Not quite as teary. Lost all interest at work now. Probably because I know I only have a week left. And I feel abit better now I haven't seen my mates for a few days! That sounds harsh but its only because when I see them it reminds me of what I'll be missing! Actually Im just making a CD tht reminds me of my mates down here for when Im in scotland sad and lonely, just so I can feel even more sad LOL!!
Today Dr Diaper said something really obvious but it really made me think. I was telling him about how nervous I was getting, and he said:

"Lynz, you'll probably spend the first two weeks abolsutely loving it, then you'll be really depressed and homesick for about a month, but that's when you've just got to get out there and do stuff, go see all the sights in Edinburgh, have days out, go out drinking, people are really friendly up there, you'll meet loads of cool people"

It really made me think 'yeah, I'm gonna fucking go for it', thinks may not work out, but theres no point in going up there if I'm not gonna give it a bloody good try. If I start moping about everyday wishing I was at home, I'm never really gonna experience Edinburgh for what it is, and I might miss an amazing oppotunity to get outta Eastleigh and be in a city with loads of fucking cool stuff to do. I got to keep my chin up. Been feeling abit better with Annie aswell, maybe because we're not seeing much of each other (most days Im working 8-5, and she's working 12-8) so when we do see each other its special. Went for a nice walk last night to get some curry chips. I know it doesn't sound that romantic but at least we got a chance to go for a wonder and a chat.

I love walking! I do. Really gives me time to clear my head. Maybe I should become a rambler??

Yeah, anyway, really looking forward to my works leaving do. Feels really surreal planning my own leaving do. Was gonna say it feels like I'm planning my own funeral, but thats slightly too dramatic!! What I mean is I can't really imagine it happening because I never thought it would happen anytime soon. I DUNNO OKAY!!!
Anyway, got lots of people eating / drinking with us. Maybe I should get the guys to gate crash?? Eheheheh.
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