Sorry about not updating and not commenting and not replying to things. If I've not replied to something you said, please don't hate me. I'm just sporadically replying to a few things whenever I've got time so that noone thinks I've died.
I think I might just whinge a bit in this post. Uni is currently sucking out my brain. And all words. I keep on forgetting perfectly normal words. It's the maths, I know - it does things to you. But I think I need to practise writing things before my next exam (tomorrow 9am) or my lecturer will have no idea what I'm going on about in my answers. On the topic of my next exam - 9am?! I'm really not sure any amount of practise is going to help me write coherent sentences at that time. And on the topic of writing (I think this is going to turn out to be a rather strange stream-of-conciousness-type post) I would love to participate in
NaNoWriMo, it's just exactly the sort of thing I've always wanted to do. But right now I have absolutely no time. *sigh* It'll all be over on November 16th though (BrainSuckingUni, not NaNoWriMo). I think I might have to sleep for that entire day, just to celebrate. But maybe I'll start writing on the 17th. And then try to just get to around 20 000 words by the end of November? Maybe if I'm having fun with it I can try to do the whole 50 000 by the 17th of December. I know it's not really NaNoWriMo then, but I think I'd still enjoy it. Plus I'll really need something to do with my 3 months of holiday (Woohoo!) For some reason my parents seem to think it'd be a good time to get a proper job. I just don't see it... I mean I already have a bit of a job. For which I work approximately 3 hours a week (I do maths tutoring). But at $25 an hour, just for telling kids about stuff I actually enjoy, I think it's pretty good. And I therefore see no need to get another job. Except to stop my parents nagging me about it. Wow, this is a strange post... In fact, I think I'm gonna stop it right there, otherwise I think I might just be in danger of writing about how much I like my calculator (no, it's really cool!) and that would just be sad. So time to go read the end of Jingo (why can't Vimes be real?) and then get an early night before my maths exam. At 12:30 tomorrow I'll be halfway through my exams (Yay!)
Sidenote - I just realised that the voice in my head (you know that little voice that says the things that you're thinking? No? Maybe that's just me..) has the voice of Seth Cohen (from the OC). That's really odd. This entire post is being written in my head in Seth Cohen's voice. I need sleep...