Sep 22, 2006 02:02
yeah, i couldn't choose, or remember, many of the musical quotes i heard tonight, was dithering between robbie williams, the equally cringe-worthy venga boys, or some good ol' britney, but... then i just lost hope for mankind.. so i'll instead tell you about my latest dream, which turned out to be a nightmare in fact.
i'm not sure if this is in fact one of those 'lucid dream' things, where you decide what's going to happen, or if i was simply dreaming that i had the power of premonition, which, by default would mean that anything i thought of would eventually happen. sorry, this is quite a sketchy dream.
it starts off with me, mum and rhona driving around what i now think of as shiregreen area, although it was never explicit. we were searching for something that i had seen in a premonition, but at this point i wasnt sure what it was, i was just directing us around to find it. (this dream basically takes on the form of the Charmed programme, where there's three witches, each with their own powers, each making up the 'Power of Three' force, blah blah i'm sure you know. i have alyssa milano's powers. go me. anyway) so we drive around for a bit, and suddenly i have this premonition of some big bolt of thunder, and we turn down the next road, and there's an area of pavement simmering like it's just been hit, with a UFO/flying saucer thing poking out of the molten tarmac.
at this point, we realise we're being chased by two people who... aren't quite enemies but we don't want them to get the UFO before us. they catch up with us, in a golf cart (?!?!?! for those of you who know, lucy souster is one of them... no idea why...) we all get out of our cars, and i lock mine (as i have a 'feeling' there's a daemon about that might try to steal it), and we all have a kind of hostile encounter/argumentative style thing, where we agree that neither of us can remove the alien, with or without magic (i premonitioned that it would do some crazy exploding thing if we magicked at it), and we discover that there's another, more malevolent force after the UFO, one that we all need to band together to fend off. So, we all run inside my house (convenient, eh?) but as i'm half way up the driveway, i stop and freeze as another premonition comes - this time, it's some disaster scenario with blazing fire, and i see that it's my house on fire... utterly freaked out, i decide that, still the safest place so far is my house (after all, as charmed tells us, premonitions serve to be changed, and houses are always protected by spells.)
so i run inside the house, and my sis shuts the door behind me, but i say to everyone in the house, as they nod dismissively and walk down the hall
"well, i know it's weird and paranoid, but... umm.. i'd prefer it if we left the door open right now, jsut an escape route, you know, and plus it's all too easy to just jump in and hotwire a car these days...
and exactly as i say these words, right down to millisecond detail, i open the door and see the demon doing just that, and i begin to realise my premonition is coming true right there and then, he's gonna drive straight into us and cause one huge blaze when he crashes. i call for rhona and my ma (of course, for the power of three) as he begins to reverse the car straight into the house. and then i wake up shouting.
it's 4:38 am
and i'm kinda get creeped out for about five minutes.
in retrospect, its probably the Least Scary Thing A Demon Could Do. but still the fact that i foresaw it creeped me out.
ellie's bday,
lucid dream?