off to the czeska republik...

Aug 03, 2006 21:40

firstly, hi joe!

okay, so, i'm just packing the last of my bags (well, only my 2nd bag, i'm not taking that much - this is my "bag-to-carry" bag, e.g. filled with books, passport, Moritz and Pierre... and poor Kevvy's camera who still hasn't been christened... maybe i shall research a nice Czech name for it... heheh)

and i thought i should post on my "dream journal." haha! and maybe tell you about something other than dreams this time. 
if you all behave...
*points finger warily*
so i guess we should get the dreams out of the way. *sigh*. (i have to say, most of this is completely the fault of shula and her amazing photos on ringo! woo!)

1. i had a dream that my family, kev and i were at one side of the golden gate bridge, in a building, trying to get tickets to go back across. rhona and dad had already got "one-way" tickets, so to get back would cost them 10p each. but for the rest of us it would cost a fortune. so we went up to the ticket booth and barriers (those ones with three prongs that you push round in a circle fashion) and tried to get past, but the lady caught us and said that we'd need tickets. some kind of huddle occurred where rhona and dad swopped their ticket-bracelets with the rest of us, kev said, "you got it on the wrong wrist hazz" and then we went through the barriers and all was good.

suddenly, some stuff happened (?) then suddenly i was in an apartment on the bay in san fran, populated by rabbits wearing clothes.

rabbit 1: so how did you afford this apartment then>
rabbit 2 (home-owner): ahh, the snakes bought them all and were selling them off cheap. they bought in bulk, 10 apartments, so there's a discount.
rabbit 1: *pulls suspicious face*

i wasnt actually part of this dream, but i could interact with the environment, so i went for a walk around, as i, like rabbit 1, was suspicious. i noticed that all the carpets had snake patterns on, and i thought,
"ah! so that's their plan! sell cheap houses and wait until the rabbits buy up, move in, laze around and watch tv... then... pounce! eat 'em!"
i opened a door after entering the kitchen, and saw a snake slither off the door handle onto a cupboard nearby (very much like steve's "china/porcelain posh things" cupboard)
something else happened, and i and others fell into the water outside the rabbit's apartment. we struggled to get out for a bit, then idly watched a boat sail by, then carried on struggling. thats all i remember.

2. i dreamt i was sleeping (in a sleeping bag), and when i woke up i was in the navajo desert, with two friends (don't know who) also in sleeping bags next to me. i stood up and said,
"oh no, we're in the navajo desert again!"
i attribute this partly to shula's photos, partly to a cheesy disney film rhona and I watched, about teenage friendship and identity in the american southwest. it was very cheesy. i guess i was dreaming about going into the desert and seeking some kind of vision, as they did in the film. awww gawd.

3. this is confusing. arguing with dad about driving tests in an airport, found a cash machine and took out money whilst arguing. all of a sudden, dad is gone, i'm now arguing with danny de vito. then i wasnt there anymore, and kelly osbourne was arguing with danny de vito. she ran around a mall for a bit, running from the yelling de vito, then dressed up in odd clothes and started chasing de vito, instead of being chased.

4.  i was in an office, with the usual filing cabinet, pot plant, suspiciously limited lighting facilities, and my teeth hurt a lot, like they were wedged into one another. i asked, "can you help me with this, it really hurts" and one of two doctors said, "yeah, sure, right after we've done *Insert Unneccessary and Painful Surgery Here.* (they didnt say that, but i cant remember precisely what the surgery was) and i wasnt scared, nor did i let them do it, i jsut felt decidedly inconvenienced.

anyway, i'm going to prague 2moro, just in case you hadnt already guessed/been informed, and it should be jolly good fun, cultural and an exciting new place to explore - with both a different language AND a different alphabet! wooo! (i should buy a dictionary... :P) i plan to take lotsa photos and... take notice of things, and hopefully have something interesting to write in lj for y'all to read! woo!
then i guess after that i should carry on with the fun yet time consuming task of badge-to-blanket sewing, and the immortal art of Scrapbooking! (hopefully with prague photos!) hehehe! ahh i can't wait...  
okay then, i'm gonna finish packing, hope to see you all soon, keep safe whilst i'm away (which i hope you do anyway, just thought i'd express concern) and - have fun!
byebye x x x

holidays, alphabet!!!!!!!!, cheesy disney movies, prague, argh snakes!, wary pointing, dreams

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