And now for something completely different...

Jul 15, 2008 00:42

lj you fail at life. stop sucking.


1. Tell 20 people on your flist, what you always wanted to tell them, but were too scared to. (except where I have said a few of these things already. I was never good at following directions. Sorry)
2. You mustn't name the persons.
3. You mustn't deny or confirm any guesses.

1. Even when I’m feeling less than thrilled with life, you always manage to make me smile. And often it’s more than smiling and somewhere closer to full on flailing. Thanks for always giving me an excuse to be the silly fangirl I am. Oh and this totally gives it away, but I love you for reading and commenting on everything I’ve written despite the fact that you don’t even like slash. I hope you know that means a lot to me.

2. Your writing. Just wow. The way you write my favorite boys feels like you’re ripping them straight from my head. I wish we talked more because I feel like we could connect really well if you gave me the chance.

3. You are the most passionate person I know and I think it’s both a blessing and a burden, but you know that already. I hope you never feel the need to apologize for who you are.

4. I’m too nice to de-friend you, but every time I read your posts I roll my eyes and scroll past them. I can’t even remember why we’re friends.

5. Your posts are always my favorites to read. You make me smile with your quirky sense of humor and your insightfulness.

6. I think you have a lot to learn, but you’re funny and blatantly honest, and I like that a lot.

7. Sometimes I think we share a brain, and I’ve told you that before, so you’re going to know this is for you, but that doesn’t matter so much because I have nothing but wonderful things to say about you anyway. Thanks for giving me a chance (and for having such amazing friends.)

8. I love your random bouts of hyper. You make me excited to be friends with you.

9. I honestly don’t think you give yourself enough credit sometimes. I feel in love with your writing a long time before I got the courage to speak to you and I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know you a lot better.

10. I feel like you’re a bit of an elitist, but I still enjoy reading your posts because they often give me a different perspective and I appreciate incite from your side of this fandom.

11. When you post, I honestly try to read what you have to say, but most of the time I’m thinking about how much I really couldn’t care less.

12. You’re one of my newer friends and I honestly think we have the potential to be really awesome friends. I’m excited to see what you have to offer this fandom.

13. You make more drama for yourself than any person should, but I won’t ever forget why we’re connected.

14. You’re such a genuinely nice person, and those people are few and far between so I hope you never change.

15. It still floors me that there are people in this fandom that aren’t into the fanfiction, but you are one of those people and you do it so well. You were the first person I felt comfortable discussing my love for these boys with and for that, you will always be one of my favorites.

16. It always amazes me how you’re usually the first person to know about anything that’s going on in this fandom. You’re kind of awesome for that, even if I’ll never know your secret.

17. People give you more credit than you deserve.

18. You are one of the sweetest persons I’ve ever met and I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you in forever.

19. You’re quiet, but I find something I like in every post you make.

20. You probably won’t read this, but I honestly love you more than anything in the world and I hope you know that. I’m proud of my writing, but I am a bit terrified about what you’ll say to me when you find out about it, or if you know already, what you really think about it. Your approval means more to me than anyone else’s. I wish I could pull you into the fanfiction side of this so we can flail together.

Also... I'm thinking I want more than one person to beta my gigantic fic of ryden doom. Does anyone have time in the next few days to do this for me? pretty please?

meme, fic writing is srs bzns, flist ♥

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