I missed your skin while you were east, you clicked your heels and wished for me

Mar 18, 2008 14:57


Fucking hell, I have no self control. I could really care less right now though, because Ryan Ross is singing to me right now. SINGING TO ME. ♥

I think I'm going to do a better review later, but for now, here are some initial thoughts.

- It's just so different and happy, maybe a bit disjointed, but if that's what they were going for then I'm okay with that. Every song has something unique and I like that. Sometimes you listen to an album all the way through and you can't really say which was your favorite because you can't remember one song from the next. THIS is not that at all.

- the string arrangements are really fabulous. I expected them to be since Rob Mathes is a string arranger, and maybe I'm a little partial since I'm a classical string bass player myself, but God I love them. Especially the arrangement on 'do you know what i'm seeing' ♥

- The bass line in 'She's a handsome woman' still makes me want to do nasty things to one Jon Walker. You can hear it so well here.

- that eerie guitar theme that kind of slides the notes in and out at the beginning of 'do you know what I'm seeing' is amazing. I can't think of what it reminds me of, but I'm in love. AND THE BIRD NOISES! I never would have guessed that would add anything, but it was kind of cool. It's so hard to choose between the album and the alternate version, they're both so wonderful.

- Not gonna lie, the beginning of 'Northern Downpour' made me tear up. Good God, Brendon Fucking Urie, lets run away together, you can still sex Ryan. I just want you so you can sing this song to me every fucking day. The lyrics are so pretty, and the style really grabs me. The whole first verse and this line: I missed your skin while you were east, you clicked your heels and wished for me GAH, I'm IN LOVE.

- 'i have friends in holy spaces' is cute, but it kind of throws me off for the second half of the album. Maybe its in the middle to sort act as an intermission. Idk, the lyrics are nice, but it's just so different from anything else on the album.

- I actually LIKE 'When the Day Met the Night' now. I didn't even think that was possible. The ending is really cool.

- 'She had the world' is growing on me. THE HARPSICHORD people! I love the way Brendon and Ryan's voices play off of each other, trading off lead, sliding past each other, nughhh. and that leads to me thinking about them doing other things to each other. It's okay Ryan, baby. *pets him* Brendon loves you despite your apparent madness.

- Hmm, I'm thinking there needs to be a Pretty. Odd. musical or something. Like a rock/folk/jazz opera of complete and total madness. I'm just getting this strange musical vibe, like this could be a score for a stage show.

- I know they probably won't do this for HCT, but I REALLY want at least one recorded concert where they have a full 100 piece orchestra on stage, and a harpsichord, and a harmonica, and bells, (and bird noises) and everything else. I would...I don't even know. Probably die of a heart attack.

In conclusion: LOVE in massive amounts!

boys in girls jeans, the disco

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