Gabe wearing a pink feather boa has made my month.

Mar 05, 2008 22:53

The Cab. We The Kings. Metro Station. Cobra Starship.
Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking Tour
9:30 club, Washington DC
March 4, 2008

The Cab.

Oh, I think I'm in love with this band. They are amazing live. Cash was all over the place, bouncing around the stage. They just looked like they were still in awe of the attention and happy to be on stage. Ian really impressed me.

We The Kings.
The pit was kind of ridiculous during their set so I didn't get very many pictures that were any good.

Gabe, Ryland, Alex, some other people hanging out on the balcony off to the side of the stage. They randomly threw stuff on stage during the We the Kings set. Gabe also messaged the audience with his IPhone, using the large scrolling text feature thing. It said: "Who wants to makeout?" The pit went crazy of course. There was also something about being his black Kate Moss. Haha. We were also treated to Gabe doing 'soulja boy' from the balcony. Very entertaining.

Metro Station.
Haha. Some chick kept yelling "Your sister is hot!" during their set. Their guitarist/singer, Trace Cyrus is Mylie Cyrus's brother. Idk, Metro Station just isn't really my thing. They're good, but Trace isn't really all that amazing, tbh. All of their songs are about underage sex, which should be funny except that the band is totally serious about it.

Cobra Starship.

Gabe messing with Victoria's keytar.

he was wearing these ridiculous glasses through half of their set.

This is my favorite picture that I took.

Someone from the audience gave Gabe a pink feather boa.

of course, Gabe had to wear it.

Vicky and Alex were too far away for me to take any decent pictures of them.

Informal Meet and Greet!
So it wasn't exactly a secret that some of the guys were going to come out after the show was done. The Cab boys were randomly walking around the club without much attention. Alex Marshall walked past me a couple of times and I had to do a double take the first time, because no one was really paying attention to him. Haha. Most of the girls were too busy crowding around Trace. We skipped him.

Cash and me. He was awesome as predicted, and his cash symbol on his left hand kills me.

My sister and Alex Marshall.
Sister: I didn't realize how pretty he was until the very end of their set.

Alex Suarez came out a little while later and attracted a good crowd. I didn't see any of the other Cobra members. Some girl asked Alex where Ryland was. He said that Ryland was in the shower, naked. haha.

So I went into this show off of my Panic high from last Saturday, so my expectations weren't all that high. (Panic fan club concert in NYC 2/23/08) I was definitely pleasantly surprised. The Cab blew me away and Cobra was awesome.

I took a lot more pictures. Most of them were pretty crappy, these are the best out of the bunch.

More/bigger pics here:

cobra, boys in girls jeans, reviews, cab

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