item: after winning Documentary Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Jason Kohn's Manda Bala showed at the "Sundance at BAM" festival this May, and has been picked up by City Lights Pictures for release this summer! The bit I saw looked amazing, so I say: see it if you can.
But if you want to read another opinion, old high school friend Kenny Herzog wrote a positive review for
CMJ -- which is tasteful or duplicitous (depending on your mood) in not mentioning the fact that he went to high school with Jason.
item: Kenny Herzog writes for CMJ. And one of his assignments was to interview a 20-something woman about her tell-all, or tell-most biography that originally started as her column "Dear Diary" in Vice Magazine.
item: High school friend/acquaintance Lesley Arfin has written a tell-all, or tell-most biography of her life from 13 to 25, titled
Dear Diary. I haven't bought/read it yet, but the snippets I've read look good, so I say: read it if you can. (Hilariously, there's a short Amazon review from Allyson Sklover, who also doesn't mention that she went to high school with Lesley.)
But all this raises the question: where is my 10-year reunion? I was promised a reunion.