-Thomson, "Hymn on Solitude"
For the next month I will either not be posting, or will be posting short comments about the books I've been reading; so, for now, one last hurrah. A miscellaneous, link-heavy hurrah.
The Assassin's Cloak is the site for a book-collection of diary entries; the site puts up one a day, some better than others.
Dead Celebrity Soulmate Search is a mock-dating site.
Street Use records the interesting ways that technology is adapted by people -- a technological vernacular. If you wanted to make silk screen t-shirts, look here:
Silk Screen instructions; if you don't know what to make, you can get some inspiration from the folk-art of... naked women painted on WWII airplanes at
Save the Girls. Speaking of history, you can look at some
FBI files, including a file on Roswell, Tesla, and Horkheimer. In case you haven't seen it,
Crying while Eating is an odd site with one simple schtick. Finally, though the stories in Wired magazines
six word story contest have different ideas, many of them have the same general form.
Addition: An
unsuggester for books -- put in a book you like or own, and it will tell you what books you won't like or don't own.
2) I said before that I was going to talk about "Misfits of Science" (1985) and the Jim Henson-produced "The Storyteller", but I have nothing else to say right now other than that I enjoyed watching them (when I saw them in the fall). Maybe more some time, but next, Uncle Tom's Cabin.