Jan 08, 2005 14:46
to clear up some confusion/fulfill some people's wishes:
a) My sister (Sarah) and her girlfriend (Kelli) came on Saturday, which was Christmas, and so there was nothing open, except for some Indian restaurants, so we drove all the way to Devon Avenue (which used to be the Jewish street but is now solidly Indian/Pakistani); the next day my brother came, and we tried to get last-minute tickets for "Spamalot," but that didn't work, so we went to the Chicago Diner. The next day, we went to Millennium Park, the Art Institute, the Chicago Diner again (bonus: since we wanted to walk past Pick-Me-Up to see if we wanted to try something new, we ended up walking down Newport, on which my friend Jen lives, and ran into her walking her dog), where the waiter welcomed up back home, and then when we really got home we watched Ferris Bueller which I had never seen completely through before. Tuesday we hung around, listened to some music, and then K & S left. Then, my Bard friends Sara and Kelly came, which, under the right circumstances, would be sitcom gold. We ate, watched a movie, talked, and then everyone left the next day.
b) when I said my fairy tales teacher was cute, I meant in the absent-minded professor sort of way, not in the this-is-highly-frowned upon (student-professor relations are so frowned upon that the workshop I went to had a whole panel discussion on the topic, which consisted of the panel saying "this is a bad idea," which I feel like people should already know). For instance, in his last email, he wrote "Have a good weekend and I'll see you Tuesday. Enjoy the snow but avoid forests and wolves." (which is probably funnier if you saw the amount of snow that was here.)
c) I'm debating taking Warren Ellis off my friends list, he really posts way too much.
d) There will be a feminism and hip hop conference at some point at this school.