After mentioning chainsaws in my last entry - and avoiding any mention of a zombie apocalypse in the process - I thought it would only be fitting to make up for that by posting the following claymation video on the subject:
THEY are coming for your FLESH and BLOOD!Now the last hope of the family rests on a sexy faithful MAID! The most brutal clay-animation you've ever seen! ご主人様と少女を守るため、メイドさんがチェーンソーでゾンビ軍団に立ち向かう!ポッ プな色彩の中で展開する衝撃の人体破壊内臓グチャドロのウルトラ・スプラッター・ゴア ・クレイアニメ!邦題:チェーンソー・メイド
Click to view
And while I'm busy posting videos, another great one that's definitely worth checking out is Stefan Nadelman's Food Fight. The video highlights the conflicts the United States has been involved in since World War II using food as representative characters for each side. Or, as the
official website puts it,
Food Fight is an abridged history of American-centric war, from World War II to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict. Watch as traditional comestibles slug it out for world domination in this chronologically re-enacted smorgasbord of aggression.
Click to view
The official site
includes a list of which nation each food represents, for those who may have questions. (I didn't catch the Cuban Missile Crisis reference the first time around, for example.) This may be my last update for the next week, as I'll be back in the Pacific Northwest come Friday and the internet connection at my parents' house is notoriously slow. Waiting five minutes for Yahoo! Mail to accept my password seems a little unnecessary.