Dec 20, 2004 22:25
Wow, I can't believe it's time for Christmas again. I suppose the usual thing to do when you update your lj is to recap everything that has happened since you last updated. I don't think I can do that because I'm pretty sure I haven't written a real entry since I realized I didn't make it into that screenplay competition. Just as an update on that, I looked it up online, and I don't think the show was even produced...which may explain why I never heard anything. They were supposed to call me whether I made it or not.
I finished my first real video classes and I made it out quite successfully thanks to some top of the line actors (and actress). And it turns out that I was the only one in my media class that recieved an A on their final video. Apparently, the next highest grade was a B+. Sorry, that's boring.
Yay! Now it's time to talk about Kate. What can I say? I'm in love. I remember thinking about my dream girl at the end of my senior year and I think I actually wrote down her description on a piece of paper....In fact, I might still have it. Let me check. Wow! Here it is! How about that? (Actually, I didn't actually write it down and I certainly didn't go anywhere just now, but thanks to the magic of LiveJournal, you totally thought that I did!) Even though I didn't really write it down, I do remember what I wanted.
Tall like Cameron Diaz
Brown Hair like Jennifer Garner
Brown Eyes like Kate Beckinsale
*note: the following quality will be censored to keep this entry G rated, but lets just say I wanted them like Courtney Cox's*
As far as personality goes, I listed out a bunch of qualities that, after I thought about it, were exactly like me. Needless to say, if I dated a girl that acted like me, I would go crazy. I always have said that if I meet myself, I probably would get annoyed really quickly (although it would be nice to have someone else that was exactly my hieght).
As it turns out, the most perfect girl for me is nothing like I imagined. Not only is Kate beautiful, but she is smart and sweet and nice and caring and cool and funny and relaxed and confident and smiley and every other really nice word I can come up with. And the best part is, she actually loves me back! At this time last year, I was certain that I was destined to be by myself and I don't say that to gain sympathy or to make you feel sorry for me. I just honestly felt like girls would never feel that way about me. I was just supposed to be that "nice guy". Well, Kate proved me wrong. She makes me feel so good all of the time. And sure, we are different in a lot of ways, but we seem to have some kind of spiritual understanding of each other that really makes us realize that we may have more in common than we think. Plus, our differences really compliment each other. Just as an example, I am an amazingly (and, in most cases, unrealistically) positive person and she is much more of a realist which really helps keep me down here on earth and I like to think I can help her put a positive spin on bad things (except science, aparently she is going to hate that no matter what I say about it). These next few weeks are going to be a very long few weeks because I'm missing her very very much. And it's not like I'm only missing making-out with her or whatever...I miss everything. I miss walking around and holding her hand, putting my arm around her when we watch tv, being able to talk to her while looking in her eyes, feeling her smile when her face is against mine, when she hugs me and her arms go around my waist, waking up beside her, and a bazillion other things. It's weird for me to be so confident when I say this, but I'm so happy when she is the first and last person I see everyday. Those two moments are so unbelievably special to me that I can't imagine ever doing that with someone else. I love her very much.
Now, for an abrubt subject change. When I was organizing my DVD collection a few weeks ago, I realized that every movie I own teaches me an important lesson and that lesson can be summed up in one sentence. It's actually quite fun. Here are a few of the ones I came up with:
American Beauty: Outward peace doesn't always reflect inner peace.
Back to the Future: Even though your mom may be hot, it's never going to feel right if you kiss her.
Elf: Wearing tights in the city won't get you mugged.
Christmas Vacation: If you start your vacation by driving under a semi, it will end with your uncle catching himself on fire.
Toy Story: Even though your arch enemy has a laser, you should never forget you have a cool cowboy hat.
Forrest Gump: Being stupid allows you to meet 3 presidents and have a child that looks eerily like that kid from the Sixth Sense.
Independence Day: If aliens attack, find the dumbest drunk you can find and put him in a jet...he'll find a way to defeat them.
The Matrix: All you have to do to dodge bullets is bend backwards.
Matrix: Reloaded: All you have to do to dodge bullets is hold out your hand.
Matrix: Revolutions: All you have to do to dodge bullets is make a movie that doesn't require you to.
You guys should send me some of yours because this entertains me way more than it probably should.
I start work on Wednesday so I'm trying to get in all of my naked time and video game playing time before I start. I realized at about 2 today that I could actually do both that the same time and it's quite liberating. Oh, I also want to mention that I got GTA san andreas for christmas and even though the whole "violent video games make violent children" controversy has died down, I think there are still people out there who believe it. I really don't think that GTA makes me any more violent than I already am. Sure, if I'm driving around and I see a hooker, sure I want to pick her up and then when she's done, kill her and take my money back, but that is not at all influenced by GTA...that's just my idea of a fun Friday night. I mean come on, that's fun for the whole family.
Wow, and on that note, I'll end this.