The most awesome thing this week

Feb 28, 2010 22:58

I have recently started playing school with Evie. I haven't been pushing her or anything, but we spend a few minutes a day doing something deemed semi-educational. I started with the letter A, and we talked about words that start with A, and we talked about how to make an A, but she refused to even try to do it herself. This is also when her right hand / left hand thing was resolved into her really being more comfortable with her right hand, she just didn't know she was supposed to use one hand over the other. Her writing and drawing has improved dramatically since then.. but she generally doesn't like to try something if she doesn't think she can be perfect at it. Wouldn't know where she got that from. So anyway, last night in the bathtub, she drew this, completely unprompted:

As she was drawing the center line I asked her casually what she was drawing (in case it was a fluke), and she said, "I MADE AN A!"

I nearly died of the sheer awesomeness of the moment.

So, naturally, being proud parents, we decided to reward her for her awesomeness by giving her our bedroom.

Okay, well, no. Yes. No. We DID decide to switch rooms with her but we did not do it because she drew an A. Can you imagine what her teen years would be like if we were THAT easy? I don't even want to think about it. We had already decided to do this particular project because Evie wants her own bathroom it makes sense from a room management standpoint. Our bedroom has/had a small bathroom attached. We think that the room was previously the largest, master bedroom and they added the bathroom later.. in any case, it's the smallest of our bedrooms but it has the bathroom. We turned it into our bedroom when I was pregnant (it had been a guest room before.) It is perfectly true that Evie wants that little bathroom for her own, but it's not the whole reason we're doing the switch.. it just makes sense in the long run. We barely use that bathroom.. or at least, we used to barely use it. Evie has decided that it is the only bathroom she will deign to sit her little but upon lately. ("I want to use Mommy's little potty! Because it fits my butt!" She has to say that almost every time she goes. Also, not sure why it is MY potty and not Daddy's or someone's. It's a standard size and the big bathroom has an elongated seat, which is what she's talking about when she says it fits her butt.) Anyway. Ignoring the fact that we are all three in various stages of a cold, we started moving furniture around this morning and there's pink paint drying in our ex-room right now. It's kind of sad because it's the only room we were really happy with it being DONE and COORDINATING. Now we're moving into her room, which we originally used as the computer room and which is painted the color of masking tape, approximately, and I really really like the way it looks but I have now painted TWO rooms for that bedroom and not currently using either one--this is the third (out of three) bedroom we've been in since we moved in four years ago. There is just something not right about that. There's also something not right about saying we moved in four years ago, because Jiminy Christmas, where does time go?

(I have been hanging out with M too much, that is one of his expressions.)

Anyway. There is my weekend in a nutshell. Although, why I would want to put something in a nutshell, particularly something like a weekend, is beyond me. I am much too tired to ponder the intricasies of nutshells at the moment so I am just going to let that one go.

evelyn, pictures

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