Sep 21, 2007 13:41
This morning, when I looked in the mirror, I realized the extent of what he has done.
It all became clear. It was about religion more than anything else. To the point that maybe there wasn´t anything else except my belief in my mortality.
Our relationship was serious and he assumed that instead of pursuing it, because it could possibly end in marriage, he had to terminate it because he could never be with someone who wasn´t Catholic. Even though we were fine, and happy, and no conflict arose because of our differences.
He threw away everything because we have the same morals, but have arrived at them from different paths.
This is huge.
And you know that music thing? Another song fell in my lap in class yesterday.
If I disect it just right I get:
< < Un segundo más de vida par darte y mi corazón entero entregarte
Un segundo más de vida para darte y a tu lado para siempre yo quedarme
Un segundo más de vida yo
a Dios le pido > >
And with this realization, I have officially reached limbo.
There is no movement now.
And after all this, I can still feel it. It´s still there.
I don´t believe you can fall out of it. It´s not that easy.
What does that make me?
What does that make him?
I hate it when things don't make sense.