The next twist of the Carrie Prejean saga now involves a "suggestive" photo.* Prejean claims it was for a modeling shoot, years ago, though, the Leftists maintain their outrageous outrage. and convey the proper response. The incident has had me pondering on a hypothetical involving Angie Harmon, her "Lawn Dogs" topless scene and Leftists' reaction to her late March commentary.
Put aside Harmon's recent rash of quasi-nudity for a second ("Glass House 2," the Allure shoot, Hollywood Pinups), leaving only the "Lawn Dogs" scene. Her previous modeling work pushed a few things, yet it was nowhere near "Lawn Dogs" and the recent fare. If Leftists thought it would work, would they have hesitated to smear her with that one scene?
I've documented on the Leftists' reactions to her recent commentary (Daily Kos, HuffPo), so there's nothing but antipathy for her. It would be the same tactic to attempt to knock Harmon off her moral pedestal, as being done with Prejean now. Fortunately, other than and myself, "Lawn Dogs" is not remembered in the pop culture conscience. Harmon has managed to successfully outlive that facet of her past, which Prejean presently has to endure for hers. Prejean has some support, as the National Organization of Marriage is defending her. Good for them.
Some additional thought from the link (emphasis mine). It also includes NBC's own behavior toward the Prejean photos.
If you haven’t seen the “scandalous” new photo yet, feast your eyes. It’s been many moons since I’ve looked at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue but I remember shots like that being in there even when I was a kid. (Or even sometimes on the cover.) Which is to say, it’s very late in the day culturally to be feigning shock at material like this - and yet NBC, the network that aired photos and video of the Virginia Tech killer glorifying himself, has decided that the pic’s simply too hot for the Peacock to handle. A cynic might wonder if they want viewers to imagine that it’s worse than it is. Good thing I’m not a cynic.
There’s an open question of when the photo was taken - she says it was several years ago, others say it’s more recent - which may be relevant to whether she was a Christian or a pageant contender at the time but doesn’t much matter to her critics. Their goal, using the pretext of “hypocrisy,” is simply to try to make her radioactive within her own political and religious communities by painting her as some sort of fallen woman. It didn’t work with [Sarah] Palin vis-a-vis Bristol’s pregnancy and it won’t work here, but presumably they’re drawing some gratification from the mere thought that they might be causing her discomfort. Pure vindictiveness, but then what did you expect?
Link: Link: In a surreptitious way, Harmon's contemporary streak of nudity may have been a blessing of disguise. It negates the "old shame" aspect, so the Leftists can't use it as a club against her. Of course, they will attempt to destroy both women in other ways, though, it won't involve prior movies or photos. It's the culture we live in, so be cautious about any issues of judgments.
Nota bene: No, I did not write the entry with SVU's "Crush," in mind (re: the implications of youthful indiscretion and nudity). However, if you wish to draw any parallels, I won't stop you.
*I had to see the photo to gauge a proper reaction. Honestly, you see more scandalous shots with "Law & Order" and/or Harmon's past modeling. Your eyes won't melt, believe me.