Jan 20, 2005 14:42
::sigh::...really that sums up how i am feeling...everything leads to nothing...i feel so useless and that everything i do is pointless...school..what for? im just gunna wind up forgetting a vast majority of what i learn anyways why not just skip straight to training for our carress...makes better sence to me but w.e... family..why hae one? no one ever REALLy cares about you, and the only time u get attention is when u do something "unacceptable" or "not to the standards"...and friends..well whats the point when half of them hate you behind your back, others are spending most of their time ignoring you bc sumthing bettre came along, and the others are tring to hide everything baout themselfs so that int he end no one is really a "close" friend. evrything relies on sumthign or sumone else...for instance i an name a few friend si would lose if i j\lost a different friend just liek ::snap:: that....oh we ll im kinda mellowly depressed...as usual...