PHEW! it took long enough

Sep 17, 2004 15:09

name: Sam
birthdate: 1-25-91
birthplace: Worcester
current location: Douglas
eye color: any color is fine
hair color: dirty blonde/ brown
righty or lefty: lefty
zodiac sign: Aquarius
innie or outtie: innie

your heritage: Polish, and i can speak it, here: "DOTEJTDS
the shoes you wore today: Converse, the new kind
your hair: short
your eyes: hazel, with red around the pupil
your weakness:being shy
your fears: not living happily ever after
your perfect pizza: any
one thing you'd like to achieve: to play for the MLB

What is....
your most overused phrase on msgr: ya
your thoughts first waking up: err
your best physical feature: height
your bedtime: 10 only on school nights
your greatest accomplishment: passing spanish
your most missed memory: friends back in millbury

This or that....
pepsi or coke: pepsi
mcdonald's or burger king:Burgerking
single or group dates: single
adidas or nike: converse, cuz im cool like that
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
cappuccino or coffee:eww
bras or panties: umm boxers

Do you...
smoke: nope
cuss: cuss?
take a shower: every night
have a crush: mebbe
want to go to college: yesh
like high school: ya
want to get married: yea
believe in yourself: sure
get motion sickness: no
think you're attractive: not at all :(
think you're a health freak: no
get along with your parents: sometimes
like thunderstorms: yupp
play an instrument: trumpet, piano

In the past month, did/have you...
smoke(d): i dont smoke
done a druge: i dont do drugs
made out: no
gone to the mall?: yes
eaten an entire box of oreos: half of one
eaten sushi: no
been on stage: no
gone skating: no
made homemade cookies: no
been in love: no
gone skinny dipping: no
dyed your hair: no
stolen anything: yes, some gum from my mom

Have you ever...
played a game that required removal of clothing: yes, pool volleyball
if so, was it mixed company:yes
been caught "doing something": no
been called a tease: no?
gotten beaten up: no
shoplifted: no
if so, did you get caught: i didnt shoplift!

The future...
age you hope to be married: before 30
numbers and names of children: 2 or 3
describe your dream wedding: idk
how do you want to die: in my sleep at old age
where do you want to go to college: Holy Cross
what to think of school at this very moment: dont miss it, miss the people
what did you want to be when you were growing up: a baseball playa
what country would you most like to visit: Australia

Opposite sex....
best eye color: any
best hair color: any color is fine
short or long hair: dont matter
best height: shorter than me
best weight: not fat or too skinny
best articles of clothing: idk
best date: not sure..
best first kiss location: umm...

Number of...
number of (boy/girl)friends you've had: like 5?
number of drugs youve taken illegally: i dont do drugs
number of people I could trust with my life: like 3 or 4
number of cds that I own: 4
number of piercings: none
number of tattoos: none
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 2 i think
number of scars on my body: one, two, three, about 4 i think

comment on my results!
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