(no subject)

Aug 14, 2008 12:02

Wow - its been over a year since I last updated! Thats a little on the crazy side. But, I'm sitting at home waiting for a builder to finish fixing some windows and watching the minutes tick by. I technically should be at work at the moment but this guy is taking a few million years. It was meant to be a 15min job at 8:30 this morning. It is currently midday!!! ARGH!

Well, let me summarise the past year:

- Finished my forensic degree
- Officially worked as a forensic scientist
- Got married
- Went on a cruise for honeymoon
- Got a puppy
- Moved house because Lisa's mum moved to Hawkes Bay
- Lisa changed jobs
- Made redundent
- Got a new job in the city working in finance (much happier now, ironically)
- Landlords sold house and asked us to move, we agreed with a bit of compensation
- Moved house again
- Have a battle with landlords over promised compensation

So, now we have moved to a really nice place in Albany - at least no problems so far but we've only been here a few days. The real estate agent seems really on to it so that's all good. But now we have a builder who takes fricking forever and seems put out when we ask how long it is going to be. Lisa got leave from work till 10am expecting it to be finished. At 10:30 I rushed back from city job so she could go to work. Now I'm sitting here kicking my heels. Very annoying. The good thing is that I'm sitting here, getting a chance to update and I have my cutest little puppy curled up in a ball next to me. The cats are also in the room with me so they don't escape out the open doors. Chaos is curled up on the couch and Diesel is walking around making a noise. Lol.

Well, I see almost everyone else who was on livejournal has started to disappear - I guess facebook is taking over slowly. And also life has this knack for interrupting posting time.

I'm back playing indoor netball again - only been once because last week we were moving - but its really good to be on the court again. SORE AS HELL but good :) I had more pain moving house because of the lifting, the jumping over boxes, the rain, the mud and just the pain of it all. Still got a bit to do but at least we can see the kitchen bench and most of the floor. Its just the clothes that we now have to find hiding places for it all.

Anyway,  hope all is well with everyone!


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