(no subject)

Mar 19, 2007 13:02

I think my head is going to pop out of my brains! I mean, I think my brains are going to pop out of my head.

Yes, I know that there is a back space on the computer, but I felt that I should leave that confused sentence to prove that I’m not kiddin!!

I’ve just finished working on my forensic essay on crime scene investigations. I have been working on it for a while, so I wasn’t rushing to finish it. But, I had got to the point where I was sick of reading things about collecting bugs, teeth, blood etc. And, taking photos. And calling pathologists and entomologists and odontologists etc. Bored now!

But, grand scheme of things, it was an interesting essay. I just hope I actually answered the questions. I did write 300 words too many, but hey, that can’t be helped. 1700 was given as a guideline anyway. And who sets an essay at 1700?! Its normally 1500 or 2000! So, I went for the 2000. Oh well…

Now, I have another psychology essay to start working on. I can’t even remember how many words that is but it is due the 2nd April. And I haven’t really started working on it. Its got something to do with criminals and animal abuse but that’s all I can remember about it… I really should get my brain to wake up so I can make a start on that!

And, last Thursday we were given our Enviro Forensics assignment. Since I’m falling asleep in almost every class, I can’t remember chemistry and I don’t understand half the terms he’s using (mainly cos they’re based on chemistry) I think I’m a little screwed in this class. We were given a workbook at the beginning of the semester to help refresh our chemistry but I haven’t really done that and they parts I’ve done I’m struggling to remember. And, we have to remember things like the pico, nano, milli (okay, that was an obvious one, but I don’t remember the other names!) and I learnt them in like 5th form - or 4th form - and promptly forgot them. I’ve always had them given to me, but now we have to know them! Eek - this should be fun - NOT!

Our assignment is something related with oil slicks and orchards and buildings and shite. I’m a  greeny at heart - I recycle and I don’t litter - but I really don’t care about the rest of this! And, its made me paranoid about my veges! I thought we wasted them just to be good - but to find out that they could contain arsenic and lead and other poisons is not cool! Argh! Yip, not liking this paper.

What else… well, Lisa and I went to Napier over the weekend. I worked on Saturday from 8am - 1pm, then went home and arrived to find out that we needed to leave. Lisa’s grandfather is not too well and all the family was advised to go and say their goodbyes. So, we drove down at lightning speed to get there before hospital visiting hours end at 8pm. Not bad… we left at 2:30 and arrived at 7:15! But, we had to return home that evening because of the animals. We had dinner in Napier with Bronny then drove home. That was hard going. After being awake from 6am (I got woken up by the cat) and then working for 5hrs then driving for 5hrs then visiting for 2.5hrs then leaving at 10pm, getting home at 4am (driving for 7hrs - it was much harder going heading back so we took our time) I was knackered. But, I woke up at freakin 10am! I noticed last night that apparently the alarm went off at 7am, but I don’t remember it.

Anyways, yesterday was good - all in all. We did a bit of house work (for only an 1hr), then I worked on my assignment while Lisa blobbed and then got an early dinner and watched The Wild - very entertaining. We were asleep by 9:30pm. But, had to get up at 5:30 to head into the city so it wasn’t really that much sleeping.

My head is still sore. Why isn’t it improving? I’m willing it to improve, and yet I believe that staring at a computer screen is probably couter-productive. But, if I go and get a drink and something to eat I’ll lose this computer and won’t get it back again. So, bugger that, I’ll deal with the headache!

Yeah, I’ve been rambling. I’m not sure what about… but I know its rambling.

I wonder if anyone reads this shit…

Night night (yes, I know its only 1pm!)

dvds, assignments, lisa

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