Sep 18, 2006 13:04
Okay, I'd better update...
I'm sitting the labs - as usual - having just finished a mini assignment. My class is in 50min and I should technically be doing a bit of research for my MASSIVE assignment due in a few weeks, but its BORING! Well, its not really that boring, but its not the most fantastic thing to research. Its interesting to think about - hackers sitting in little cupboards bringing down whole countries infrastructures who have poor security - but researching?! Like any country is going to advertise the weaknesses in their system! Bah...
Well, I just went scrounging around for the fans perspective of the outcome for Rockstar: Supernova. Did anyone else watch? Its really interesting that Lukas is stated to have got the most votes, but to be honest, I'm definitely not finding him getting the most positive feedback on the net! Weird. Well, can't say I blame anyone. For someone who kept getting told of for singing raspy, he goes ahead and reverts straight back to it the instant he was picked as the fronter. Yucky. I was happy to buy the album for Magni (just) ot Toby, and happy to buy the album plus concert tickets for Dilana or Storm, but I think they have kindly saved me $100 cos I really dont think I'll be doing either. I might wait for the CD to move into the bargin bins. I'm not being excessively cruel - its just that I don't enjoy listening to Lukas since. We used to record it because we worked late nights on Wednesdays and it was great to be able to fast-forward through Ryan and Lukas' performances. *sigh* Oh well, I guess I'm no musician so I can't really judge.
On another Rockstar note, Lisa and I are going to INXS this coming Sunday - sweet. I got the last seating tickets - I prefer seating. I know that standing you get more atmosphere, but I've paid to SEE the band, not do what I could have with a group of people and a loud soundsystem (ie: standing in a crowd of people likely to be taller than me and listen to the music). I want to SEE IT! :) So, very pleased. But then they go and make another date! Meanies - I could have got better seats. Oh well, some are better than none :)
Also got my second graduation next week on Tuesday morning. All good.
Anyways, I'm gonna clean up my space here and then actually do some research. Yeah, I'll be good.