(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 16:57

So, I’ve been allowed into my forensics program that I’m keen to do! YAY!
I have to take 3 forensics papers, do a forensics research paper (which will be in computer forensics) and 3 elective papers and I’m set! Sweet!!!!
Uni things are finally falling into place - and screw anyone that has a problem with it!

I’m getting more and more pissed off with the people that judge the way that I live my life. You know what; it’s my freakin life - go deal with your own. It’s as though if I don’t do what they want I’m shunned and if I do do what they want I’m shunned, so I’m totally giving up and moving on. I’m not gonna bother about it anymore, I’m gonna stop thinking of ways to remedy the situation, and I’m moving on - too bad if you have a problem with it. I’m either not trying enough or someone else isn’t trying enough. Can’t really be fucked anymore!

Work is keeping me extremely busy. This is my life’s schedule:

Monday - uni (it’s when I get around to actually doing the mini essays due weekly (due on Monday as well) and I also have a lecture from 2pm-5pm)
Tuesday - uni (I get a chance to do some more work, cos that’s the last chance I’m gonna get for the week and class from 5pm - 6:30pm)
Wednesday - I get a sleep in! Then work from 11am-8pm
Thursday - work from 8am-3pm, then class from 5pm-6:30
Friday - work from 8am-5pm
Saturday - every second Saturday I work from 9am-5pm otherwise I get a breather
Sunday - get life organized and catch up on things that I missed out on during the week

I’m not in the least bit complaining; other people complain about not having money, I’m working for mine! I have a student loan that is more than the value of most people’s cars, and I’m not planning on having NZ tie me to this country forever. I’m actually planning on getting on with my life and finances once I’m finished uni! I don’t want this “deposit-for-a-mortgage” size debt following me in the shadows. I don’t care that its interest free - there are still catches, ya know! Also, I’d like to be able to save up for other things that I may want to do! I’m not complaining about all the time that work and uni take up - I’ve got my goals sorted, and I’m aiming for them. It’s gonna be one hell of a hard slog - and I probably won’t be able to get a job in NZ anyways because it doesn’t have the industry I’m looking at. I’ll probably have to move overseas - Aussie is looking good - but I’m gonna need to be good at what I do to be able to get there. A C-grade student ain’t gonna get anywhere overseas when they have their own C-grade students to pick from first. So, to all those people that are complaining about the amount of time that I’m spending on studying, that’s your own problem. I’m hella proud of myself for where I’ve got to so far, and I don’t wanna ruin that feeling!

To all those people that don’t think I get out often enough, perhaps I don’t. But, ever thought about calling me up and asking if you can come around for a cup of coffee one afternoon? It ain’t that hard! I haven’t changed my mobile number since 5th form! We don’t have to go and eat at the 5 star restaurants (does Auckland even have 5 star restaurants) every time we meet up - coffee works too! Geez!

Anyways, on another note - I went to give blood the other day, just after reading 
deeonexchange's entry. Yip, I got a middle-aged Asian lady. I’ve come away with an average bruise, no pain, but an allergic reaction to the plaster! Go figure! But, hey, felt good to be good for once!

Had a stuff up with my wages this past pay-day. They charged me a weekly tax rate (23%) instead of fortnightly (19%) so I get rebate next week - sweet! That’s an extra $100 or so that I wasn’t planning for! Well, I have no idea what it is going to be - but Jo guessed around $100. Watch, it’ll be $25 or something depressing like that!

I don’t think there was anything else I was gonna add. Sorry for the ranting, but I can’t win. Where ever I’m looking I’m finding reasons why I should be in trouble - and they arrive in face-to-face form, email form, text form, or the good-ol I’ll-ignore-you form! *sigh* Blah blah blah blah blah. Can’t be bothered anymore. If whoever isn’t impressed with the way I do things anymore, they can either talk to me or just move on, get over; it’s the easiest and it’ll save me actually blowing up at you one day. I’ve managed to stay incredibly calm the last few years! Its brewing, I warn you!

assignments, prime

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