The Sound of Silence

Jan 10, 2005 16:33

The Sound of Silence
By Meesh

Pairing: None (though Sam/Janet is implied)
Rating: PG-13
Category: Angst.
Content Warnings: Character Death.
Season: 7 (post Heroes)
Spoilers: Heroes part 2.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Stargate SG-1. Those lovely people at ShowTime, MGM and their affiliates however do own "Stargate SG-1" and characters. Any original characters and all words however are all my own!

Summary: Sam is having trouble letting go.


Sam jolted upright in her bed, pulled from her sleep.
The blonde glanced around the room.
Her master bedroom was empty, as the major had become accustomed to.
No sound had woken her, the house was deathly quiet.
The street outside her bedroom window deserted - not a soul in sight.
Sam lay back in the bed, resting her head against the pillow.
She turned and stared at the empty space beside her in the bed.
It was not sound that woke her.
But the lack of it.
Sam closed her eyes, a single tear falling onto her pillow.
"I miss you Janet."

ship :: sam/janet, author :: meesh, challenge 37 :: senses

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