Title: Cat Fight
Author: napalm_isis
danbrat (Lookit I kept my promise!) **wicked grin**
Rating: PG
Challenge: Sam Whump
Sam sat there across the park table trying not to feel sickened but it was impossible not to get grossed out by all the lovey-dovey talk those two were doing.
“That’s it!” Sam exclaimed coming to her feet, startling Daniel and Lab_Brat. “I can’t take it any more! No one bloody well cares who loves who more!”
Lab_Brat’s face darkened in anger, “You’re out of line and you’d do well to apologize to my dear sweetums!”
“Oh! Bring it on!” Sam challenged just before Lab_Brat lunged at her.
Daniel watched bemusedly as the two women tore at each other viciously.
Title: Oops!
Author: napalm_isis
Rating: G
Challenge: Sam Whump
Daniel sat fiddling with the busted zat.
“You’re gonna hurt someone with that thing” Sam warned as she packed away the hand device she had been studying.
“How do you figure, my hand isn’t on the trigger and I do know how to use it now.”
“Fine, whatever” Sam turned and headed for the door.
“Where you off to?”
“Commissary. I need some blue Jell-O.” Replied Sam as she stood in the doorway.
“Wait up! I’ll come to.” Daniel smiled, tossing the zat gun aside.
As it hit the table, it went off, hitting Sam square in the chest.