Title: R is for Reality
Rating: G
Pairing: Sam/Pete
Warnings: Sap
Pete had brought her back into reality. There was life outside the mountain now and she was living it. Previously it had all been second or third hand, short conversations with other people, watching television. She was existing outside the mountain but not living.
Now she had Pete and slowly she was coming back to life. Reality wasn’t blurred, she was living her life.
It was frightening. Her last real foray into reality hadn’t really been much of a success and everything had been contained inside the mountain since then.
But Pete made her smile and life was beautiful again.
Title: T is for Ten Things About Sam
Rating: G
Pairing: Sam/Anyone you want.
Spoilers: none
She blushes easily, she’s still learning to take my compliments.
She has a spot just under her ear that makes her shiver.
She takes everyone seriously, no matter the problem.
She likes to lie on her sofa, her legs hanging over one arm.
She takes my breath away when she smiles.
Despite alternate realities she still can’t imagine growing her hair too long.
She misses Jacob more than she’ll admit.
She’s not always the workaholic people think.
She’s been across the galaxy but Earth’s night sky still awes her.
I love her.
Title: J is for Jacob
Rating: G
Pairings: None
Spoliers: None
She’d given him a second chance at life and a chance to do good things right across the galaxy.
She’d given him a chance at a relationship with his son and grandchildren, when their family had been fractured. For the first time in years they could say they were family again, rather than just relations.
She’d given him chance to be part of her life for the first time since her mother died. She’d given him the chance to be her father again.
He was immensely thankful for all this. He wasn’t sure she knew how thankful, but then maybe he hadn’t said.
Getting there.