Title: A Simple Wish.
lab_bratPairing: Sam/Super Soldier.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Evolution I & II, I guess.
Challenge: Winter Holidays
Notes: the random pairing generator hates me. Really. Whose idea was it again to make it? *headdesk* also, I realise there is a squick factor in this one. I just reread it and went "Ewww. Sticky." lol. and note: I still suck at titles.
Sam sighed, leaning back from the body on the table. Stretching her muscles, she noticed a piece of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling above. They didn’t usually have Christmas decorations on base, so she wondered briefly how it got there.
Her eyes strayed back to the body.
What kind of a life must it have had? Did it ever experience hope, love, or compassion?
She wished it had experienced a better life. She wished she could show it that she cared.
Quickly before she could change her mind, she leant over and kissed it. A quick chaste kiss.
For Christmas.