Title: Voyeur
Author: lab brat
Pairing: sam/whoever you want.
Rating: hmm R.
Spoilers: none.
Challenge: Inanimate Objects. - will tell you what it is if you cant guess.. Im actually fairly surprised that no one has done this one already….
She’s cheating on me again.
I can hear them downstairs. So enraptured with each other, that I’ve been totally forgotten.
It’s not the first time its happened. It’s even getting predictable. Yep. Any minute now they’ll enter the bedroom. Ahh, there they are.
I watch them through the slats in the cupboard door. Touching and tasting each other as they undress. I feel a pang of jealousy that she doesn’t need me tonight.
Wait… She’s coming over here now. This is something new. She’s touching me. Turning me on. Taking me back to the bed where… oh my gosh!