Title: The Universe Made Manifest
Author: Rysler
Date: 09/04/04
Notes: No pairing, no rating. Points for identifying the origin of the title. Challenge #19, Inanimate Objects
For longer than this primitive race can fathom, I have stood silent on Earth.
I have maintained my neutrality and borne the silent burden of history. I have not wept at the death of my fathers, nor at the abuses of the scavenging Goa'uld, nor laughed at the Tau'ri, barely out of their primordial goo, grasping at starlight.
Through wars and famine and the decay of stars, I have remained still.
Until her.
When she looks at me, I reveal myself.
When she programs the device she built to harness me, I open.
When she crosses my threshold, I tremble.