Challenge 13 :: Superstitions

Jul 23, 2004 12:48

Challenge #12 Closed / Challenge #13 Open!

Thankyou to everyone who wrote tattoo drabbles. *thwaps jo_siris for taunting us for so long about what the tattoo was*

So, since this is challenge number 13.... *throws salt over shoulder* I thought we should do something appropriate. Something in fitting with the number 13.  Soooo....

The challenge is.... superstitions.

Black cats crossing paths, broken mirrors and bad luck, grooms seeing brides before weddings, stepping on cracks, throwing salt over shoulders, picking up pennies, or perhaps an alien superstition. or make something up..

Extra Challenge: (optional) because I like being evil...  your extra challenge is to make your drabble only 13 sentences long. :D

Here are some sites that have lots of superstitions if you need some help:

!challenges, challenge 13 :: superstitions

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