TITLE: Doing that.
AUTHOR: A. M. Richardson
SPOILERS: The Tok’ra
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended.
E-MAIL: audrich08 @ aol.com
Challenge response: Jacob
Extra Challenge: Have Jacob catch Sam doing something she shouldn’t be.
Sam knocked on the ‘door’ frame again. “Dad, please, I’m sorry. I checked that no-one was about.”
“It’s not my fault that the Tok’ra don’t believe in doors!” she risked yelling.
More silence. Sighing, she fingered the crystal wall. “Sometimes I get so lonely,” she whispered. “Sometimes I do that to deal with everything else.”
She turned away, feeling ashamed when she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong, but knowing her father thought so.
She faced him, and no way was she crying.
“I know about loneliness.”
The tears dripped as his arms came about her shoulders.
The End