Title: You and Me
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Note: I know..I dropped some words from the lyrics..had to..so it would be 100 words
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #51 Song Fic
Sam turned the radio up and sang “What day is it and in what month…”
Janet turned the volume up louder.
Sam sang louder, “You got my head spinning…I don’t know where to go from here…”
The volume went louder as did Sam.
“And it’s you and me and I don’t why I can’t keep my eyes off of you,“ she sang at the top of her lungs.
Janet gave up.
Sam continued, “There’s something about you…I can’t quite figure out…Everything she does is beautiful…everything she does is right.”
When the song ended she smiled when Janet kissed her cheek.
Title: Dread Pirate
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Janet/Sam/Vala
Rating: G
Spoilers: nope
Warnings: nope
Note: Heh....I blame this on
scarimor...you can just let your imagination finish it.
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #21 Pirates
“What do you mean the cargo hold is empty?” Captain Fraiser asked, trying to keep her temper in check.
“Clean as a whistle captain,” her first mate Carter replied.
“Mal Doran! Front and center!” the captain yelled.
The woman rushed forward, standing at attention, sweat pouring from her face she awaited the tongue-lashing she was about to receive.
“What happened to the shipment of naquada that was supposed to be in that hold?”
“My information was correct I swear,” the woman replied.
“Report to my quarters!” the captain growled out.
“Carter you have the bridge,” Fraiser said as she left.
Title: Weather
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #17 Seasons
'Why did they never gate to a world in autumn?' wondered Sam.
It was always spring; at least she thought it was spring whenever they found themselves on a planet with torrential rains.
'Isn’t it supposed to be springtime when it rains the most?' she pondered.
But then again if it was not raining, it was freezing cold or burning hot. Definite signs of winter and summer seasons.
“Just once I’d like to visit a world were the temperature is balmy and the leaves are changing color,” muttered Sam as she pushed her way through another snowdrift following her teammates.