Title: Good Deed
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Daniel
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Note: just read it and go awww
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #87 The Prom
Sam didn’t plan on taking Daniel to Cassie’s prom. However, work interfered, so she called him.
Sometime later, they stood alongside a wall, watching couples dance.
“Did you go to yours?” she asked.
“I was one of them,” he replied pointing to a group of geeky boys in a corner.
“That was me,” she remarked, motioning towards the plain girls in another corner.
Turning to smile at each other, they took off to opposite sides of the gym. Daniel asked a plain girl and Sam asked a geeky boy. By the end of the night, they’d danced with every outcast.
Title: Smooth Move Jack
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/ the guys
Rating: G
Spoilers: nope
Warnings: nope
Note: Heh....
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #19 Objects
“Well Carter…what is it?” asked Jack.
Sam looked towards Daniel, who shrugged.
“No clue Sir,” she replied.
Seeing Daniel shrug he looked to Teal’c, “Well?”
“I too have seen nothing like this O’Neill?“ the Jaffa stated.
“Can we move it?” he asked gesturing to the strange shaped object on the pedestal.
“Maybe…” mumbled Sam.
“For crying out loud…do this,” said Jack as he picked up the object quickly and replaced it with a large rock.
A loud rumbling was soon heard and the four quickly took off running towards the exit.
“Well…I thought that would work!” Jack yelled while running.
Title: A Pick-Me-Up
Author: elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Challenge #100 100 Challenge
Challenge #62 Blue Jell-o
Sam unpacked her kit; the one thing she hated most about being off world was eating MREs. There were only so many times you could eat bland food and get disgusted by it. Reaching into the pack, she felt an odd shaped bundle. Pulling it out to discover a package wrapped in brown paper; as she opened it, a note fell out.
Hey you…here’s a little treat to make your stay better…try not to eat it all at once…Love you…Janet.
Sam smiled as she held up the four little cups of blue jell-o; grinning she tucked them away for later.