Title: I Love Rock and Roll
Author: Geonn
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None. Well, Upgrades
Warnings: None
Note: None
Challenge #98 80s Song Titles
When the song ended, Cam handed Daniel a quarter and sent him back to the jukebox. As soon as the song started playing again, Sam's hips came to life.
"I love rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox, baby..."
Sam was playing pool. As the music played, she twitched her hips in time to the music. Back and forth, bending down to take her shot, her ass kept shaking. When the song ended, she stopped, like a wind-up toy broken down.
Cam knew she'd stop when the song ended again. Luckily, he had eight bucks worth of quarters.
Title: Lady in Red
Author: Geonn
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Note: None
Challenge #98 80s Song Titles
Sam didn't like it when Janet wore red. Mostly that red dress with the thin shoulder straps and the slit high on her thigh. She really hated it when Janet wore fishnet stockings with it. High heels? Forget about it. And that was just if she came downstairs as herself. But no. She always had on make-up - just enough, never too much - and had her hair up or curling on her shoulders.
Yes, Sam really despised when Janet came downstairs in a body-hugging, curve-accentuating, dipping-down-to-there-on-the-back red dress.
It didn't matter though.
She never ended up wearing it long.
Title: She Blinded Me With Science
Author: Geonn
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Rating: R
Spoilers: 1969
Warnings: None
Note: None
Challenge #98 80s Song Titles
Jack had merely asked how a wormhole could have sent them to 1969.
"...some mathematical models indicate that a feedback loop of virtual particles would circulate through the quote-unquote 'timehole' with ever-increasing intensity, destroying it before any information could..."
He stared at her lips. The way they moved. The way they formed words. It was a kind of ballet, twisting around words like 'infinite accumulation' and 'relativistic time dilation' in a way that was almost obscene.
"...also the Roman ring, which..."
"Forget it. I thought of a better use for your mouth."
For once, Samantha Carter was speechless.