Title: Grief
Author: Elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Cassie
Rating: G
Spoilers: Heroes
Warnings: none
Challenge #96 Alternate Ships
Note: okay I used the generator and this is what I got and this is all I could come up with....100 words..yay!..also this is the only time you will see me even think about writing about Heroes..bleh
and the other one-these are strictly in the friendship catagory..only pairing I write together is Sam/Janet..just to clarify.
Title: Comfort
Author: Elfcat255
Pairing: Sam/Daniel
Rating: G
Spoilers: Heroes
Warnings: none
Challenge #96 Alternate Ships
Note: This is the follow-up to "Grief"..although either one could stand on its' own they work better read together...100 words exactly!(used the generator again)
this link will take you to them both...