Challenge 96 :: Alternate Ships

Aug 08, 2006 12:10

Challenge #95 Closed / Challenge #96 Open

this weeks (late) challenge is Alternate Ships.

for this weeks challenge, you need to write a drabble that is a ship (be it a relationship or a friendship) that is different from the more popular ships. Its about writing those smaller rare pairings and friendships. You should try to write something that is different from your usual ship too. So for example, if you are primarily a sam/jack shipper and usually only write that, try writing sam/vala or sam/barret. If you usually write Sam/Janet then try writing sam/pete or sam/weir. If you are a big sam/jack/daniel fan then try sam/lamb/cam.

It's not about writing weird ships (though bless you if you do) its about challenging yourself to write something different.

try looking through the memories for ships with few posts, or try using the sam random pairing generator for ideas! (though I havent updated it with season 9 or 10 yet. oops)

And if you write something you usually ship, I will know. I have super modly powers that give me the power. *pointed look*

!challenges, challenge 96 :: alternate ships

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