Sam/McKay, Sam/Chloe, Sam/Pete

Mar 19, 2006 18:05

Title: Gift
Pairing: Sam/McKay
Rating: G
Spoilers: SGA Rising (just a teeny tiny one)
Challenge: #80 Tryptich. I chose the object "Windchimes"


The Atlantis team had been gone two days when she found the gift. She’d been thinking how nice it was that McKay and his ego were now so very far away when she spotted it on her desk.


They were just like her mother’s. She’d only told one person about those, the one time that they had…

Damn him.

It was probably the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given her.

The note, scrawled on a post-it was short and egotistical, just like his manner.

“You’ll miss me.”

She laughed and realised that he might just be right. For once.


Title: Just add CH3CH2OH
Pairing: sam/chloe
Rating: mature
Challenge: #80 Tryptich. - "Windchimes"

notes: weird text in title is the chemical symbol for alchohol.


It wasn’t often that she had people from work over. Well, people that weren’t SG1 that is. And when chloe had suggested they have dinner together to discuss a few science projects they were working on Sam had been ready to give an excuse. She was glad now that she hadn’t.

Away from the base, the shy scientist had opened up and the conversation had flowed. As had the wine. They had just finished their third bottle and third orgasm of the night.

A few minutes later the sound of windchimes outside her window was drowned out by their fourth.


Title: yeah ok I suck at titles. we all know that.
Pairing: sam/pete, mention of sam/jack
Rating: G
Spoilers: S7 Chimera, S8 Threads
Challenge: #80 Tryptich. - "Windchimes"


If she was honest with herself, the break up with Pete had nothing to do with her father dying.

And it wasn’t entirely because of the elephant in the room whenever Jack O’Neill was around.

Suprisingly, it also had little to do with Pete buying the house or with him probing into her life.

If she was honest with herself, it was the windchimes. The ones that had mysteriously disappeared the day after Pete had complained about how noisy they were.

It was probably a silly reason to call off a wedding and end a relationship… but it felt right.

ship :: sam/pete, ship :: sam/chloe, author :: lab_brat, challenge 80 :: tryptich, ship :: sam/mckay

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