Oct 27, 2006 17:57

Ok this is bloody stupid

We all did our part in this situation, but this is going to far now.

Kev, if you give up on us and dont want to be friends or anything, FUCKING LEAVE IT AND WALK AWAY, you know for a fact that people cant be around someone day after day after day after day for to long. Yeah ok, leanne is your girlfriend and you wont feel like you need space from her, as the same with me and mark, i dont think that i need space from him, but with friends it is alot different. As from a few months ago when we went to Newquay me and mike had a falling out, the same when we worked in burger king we had fallings out, and you do need space from your close friends!!! As for leanne not having a home and all this, SHE is the one who decided to walk out of her house, we didnt tell her too, and she knows that her mum wants her to come home etc. So you cant sit there and say we need to support her and all that when we have helped.

ALSO you and leanne went to the cinema during the week, did you invite any of us? No? WHY NOT?

This is really getting on my tits now, and this wont be sorted, so i am going to say this.

This is what happened with you and laura. You turned your back on your friends and ended up alone, and like mike has said, leanne is loosing all her friends, and if you didint text me all that crap, and thought yeah ok they do need a break we can go out another night it will be fine, but instead you start texting all this, causing arguments, and now you dont have friends. at least not any best friends. Yeah ok i shouldnt of ranted like that on my journal and said some of the things i did, but you shouldnt of texted me calling me spitful, then making up bullshit saying i cheated on mark when i dont have the time to cheat on mark seeing as im always with him and mike didnt even tell you none of that. So you made up rumours, and that is bloody high school crap.

So im gonna say this, i thought you were both my friends until you decided to call me spitful and being ungreatful through all this, but i dont want friends like that. I was ok with leanne until she agreed with kev saying i was spitful. My REAL friends wouldnt ever ever EVER do that to me!! So im washing my hands with the both of you. You deserve each other and one day you will see that you have no one to go clubbing with, or double date with. You took advantage of all that, for one night that we needed space. Maybe you didnt stop to think that we all needed space, a night out with no worries or anything. Sorry to say this but we have our own lives, if leanne decided to walk out of her house and leave her family behind, and let her mum go up to Sues crying her eyes out, then thats her own fault, we all tried to help, but its not good enough. Ive got loads of problems at home, and my parents are one of the main reasons i am depressed, yeah ok ive talked about walking out, but i havent. Ive stuck to it and went out and did what i wanted, and soon ill afford my own place, or even be left the house when my parents move.

As for you all being there when i was depressed, that was mikes idea, and i was pretty low for a few weeks, and i know that you all went out without me, it was me and mark at either mine or his, and i didnt cry and text people saying your selfish and all this, i was greatful coz i had a boyfriend who was willing to sit there with me, put his arm around me and tell me everything will be fine. It was nice to have my friends trying to help, but at the end of the day, its the one who loves you that helps you the most, and from what ive herd kev, you didnt even get up and pick leanne up until 4pm.

well im fed up of picking at you both now. Ive given up, i dont wanna hear any of it any more. you have chosen what you want to do, and im greatful you where there for me when you were, but that doesnt give you the right to call me spitful and make up rumours.

Anyway after all that crap, i just wanted to say that work is going well. Will be getting a check on monday :) my first wages, which im gonna get the rest of my xmas presents with. I cant wait til xmas, first xmas with mark, and with kay :) and my cats love the tree. lol So i got all this exciting things. Also got a work firework party, which is on the 4th of november, so ive invited my spaz money :P and my mum, but she mite not go, but can drop us off. So how exciting :D:D

Well ive got tomorrow off, which is the saturday woo so im staying at marks tonight, having a lazy morning, then what ever we decided in the afternoon, then im working 3-9 on sunday then off monday. so its a good shift patern. on off on off on. :P

Well i gotta go, i wrote enough, and you need to wake up and either read it or sommit. Who Cares.
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