Title: Arrival
Fandom: Glee/Popular crossover
Pairings: Brooke/Sam, Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4663
Disclaimer: Characters of ‘Popular’ and ‘Glee’ do not belong to me. I’m just playing with them.
Summary: In the aftermath of ‘On My Way’ Rachel finds an unexpected kindred soul wandering the hallways of the hospital.
A/N:Wow. It's been a while. I don't know if any of you guys are still around and reading, but look! Bram! With a side of Faberry. And okay, I’m going to need everyone to suspend their disbelief at the door: I know there’s no way they would run into each other, so invent whatever reason you like for them being at the same hospital. I just needed them to be in the same place for this to be writeable. ;) This was pretty much inspired by the fan outburst that Tumblr saw after "On My Way" aired and the Popular vs Glee articles started showing up.
Also, i kind of feel like i petered out towards the end. Sorry about that.
At my journal