Ringing in the New Year - Part II

Feb 15, 2009 11:43

Title: Ringing in the New Year Part II.
I actually went to post the whole thing but it was too large, so I'm splitting it into two parts.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Ryan Murphy...you know the rest. Who was it who recently asked: "Do we really need to put this in here anymore?" LOL.
Rating: NC-17 for naughty bits-a rarity for me.
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fic: !general

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Comments 29

boomwizard February 16 2009, 00:33:05 UTC
This is where furious gushing would be if I had any brain power left to gush. But I don't because I've sapped all my energy flailing whilst reading this. Well worth the wait - THAT much I can say. Now if you don't mind I have some dying that needs to be done.


quatorz February 16 2009, 05:13:18 UTC
LOL. Well thank you! But you can't die: the world needs more super!Bram! I'm glad you liked it, though. I had a hard time with this one.


boomwizard February 16 2009, 05:26:08 UTC
Well, I'm glad you pulled through. The writing was phenomenal and the length was just awesome.

I shan't die. I have more super!Bram ideas that need to be written. Lulzy ones. Because angst is not in my vocabulary. That's for everyone else to deal with.


quatorz February 16 2009, 05:35:39 UTC
Yeah, I'm not really one for angst too, but I guess I write my fair share (that would make me a sadist versus a masochist). This one really didn't intend to go that route-the whole 'Sam's flashback' thing kind of came out of the moment as I wrote it-and it was a total 90 degree tangent from where I had planned on the conversation going. But I crossed my fingers and went with it.

I'm glad you didn't think it was too long, and very excited that you have more super!Bram on the way. I have loved every installment of that.

Did I ask you what you have planned for the backstory? Like, is Joe gone already? It would seem so based on the flirty chemistry between Mike and Jane (which I love, BTW-I love that you are developing that in parallel with S&B). You said in the first one that Sam didn't have any friends, so did she lose her Dad at a young age-and its Brooke who brings her out of her shell?

Dying to find out more. :)


thuytiebird February 16 2009, 01:49:32 UTC
absolutely stupendous. you have all the elements of a good story, humor, angst, romance, and of course that ahem scene was a sexcellent addition too.


quatorz February 16 2009, 05:21:40 UTC
Heh. Thanks. Yeah, I don't usually detail the actual boot knocking in action, but you can thank Splendid above you for convincing me to do it. Of course, today I thought of another one concerning Lily (and Lily imagining what she is missing at the Palace)...and it would pretty much be straight porn-with zero redeeming story value. LOL, I don't think we'll be seeing that one, though.

I'm glad you liked the fic, and thanks for reading it! That damn thing turned out to be a monster. I think it was longer than the four Christmas stories put together.


boomwizard February 16 2009, 05:33:06 UTC
You're welcome. :D


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quatorz February 16 2009, 05:27:12 UTC
Thanks! I did some market research, and found that our fandom liked sex and angst in equal measure.

Actually, the angsty element really came out of the moment when I was writing it. I had NO intention for that conversation with Sam and Harrison to play out that way. I even had dialog for how their exchange would end after she told him about her and Brooke. And then-out of left field-WHAM! The whole flashback thing with Sam hit me like a Jaguar on Prom Night... (LOL. I just came up with that now!)

But seriously, I decided to go with it even thought it was a MAJOR departure from what I had plan, and was really fretting whether it worked or not. I guess it did, judging by the reactions. But I was worried that it was a little over the top.

I'm glad you didn't think so. What a relief.



malexfaith February 16 2009, 04:34:05 UTC
Wow..talk about a mix of emotions. Such a great fic, the way you wrote the feelings, thoughts, desriptions... totally amazing. Thanks heaps for sharing. Such a pleasure to read


quatorz February 16 2009, 05:30:44 UTC
Thanks! I'm grateful you read it. This wasn't a fic, it was a marathon. I had no intention for it to be so long when I started it (about three and a half weeks ago). I hope it wasn't too much of a roller coaster of emotions: up one minute, down the next-that sort of thing. Its hard to keep that balance when it took me so long to write. I kind of lose the 'fresh' perspective on it.

But thank you again, I'm so glad you liked it!


krumnut February 16 2009, 17:43:09 UTC
Friggin, awesome.

I'm too tired to leave anything but "You rock, I love it."


quatorz February 17 2009, 02:38:28 UTC
Thank you so much! 'Friggin awesome' is about the best I could possibly hope for. Wow!



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