Title: Christmas, 2:33pm
A/N: Well, any chance of making my original deadline of Christmas has long since passed, but I will try to get these out with more frequency over the next week or so. There is one more story that takes place during the party, and then one after the party, and then one last one in the wee hours of the morning of the 26th (
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Comments 21
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked it.
I'm working at the next segment now. I feel particularly energized tonight, so hopefully I'll be able to pound out a first draft by this evening.
Thanks again!
I can't promise anything, but it'll be soonish rather than laterish ^-^
Feel like total dolt for not realising you'd updated before i sent you message. Would have had gush-fest.
Now am speechless, but insides are bouncing like mad crack-high rabbit on pogo stick.
*stares* In-fudging-credible.
I hope you're not too speechless-I'm looking forward to reading your fic. Is it done yet? Is it done yet?
I had to laugh in your message where you said you worked on it-didn't finish it-but added three more paragraphs in the middle. I did the same exact thing with this one. I would work and work on the ending-and would just add to what was already there and realize I STILL didn't have an ending. I was pulling my hair out.
I'm actually surpised i have hair left. It's talking ALL of my will power not to add a huge chunk to the middle section. Bloody thing was supposed to be maybe 5 pages. It's double that now, lol.
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