Sep 23, 2004 20:30
ok so i have a business paper due tomm at 11 and so far i have 2 sentences written oops. i have slacked soo much this week
and its sad cause i planned on doing all at the beginning ooh well
last night our hall directors kids came around with her to pass out candy and instead of handing it to natalie he threw it from
the doorway and it hit her wall and bounced off and hit the window it was hilarious he was like 3 and almost nailed her
also last night we had our fire drill. i must say the penthouse rocks! the fire man was hanging out on our floor waiting for it so
he could go around and check the floors and we caught him in the hall and were asking him what he was doing and he said we
were having a fire drill and to go put our shoes on and then all of us like gathered in the hall waiting and he assked us if anyone
wanted to pull the alarm it was fun. ten flights of stairs get annoying though
going to boston tomm!!! yay! this shall be great!