Ср, 18:48: RT @ GwenFallenAngel: Beliebers you think you guys are an army of fans, but your not only KISS, BVB, and MCR are allowed to say they have ...
Ср, 19:07: hey guys does anyone know any good and quick remedy for hangover?have to work tomorrow. Dont drink doesnt count!
Чт, 11:21: RT @ Izzy_Vendetta: When I get bored, I stop being bored & be sleazy instead!
Чт, 11:27: RT @ suffering_day: "у меня зависимость не от контакта а от людей которые там сидят" У МЕНЯ ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ НЕ ОТ ТВИТТЕРА А ОТ ТВИТОВ ФОЛОВЕ ...
Чт, 11:31: #ThoughtsOnMyMind how awesome it will be to do all guys from Steel Panther! I know i am a perv but i love it:-)
Чт, 11:38: #OMGJEDWARDDREAM whats the fuck is that?who the fuck are jedward.?Other 1direction bieber like kiddies? Kids listen to real good music