Title: Be Happy, Baby (Chapter 24)
Author: samberrie (itsa me)
Pairing: George/Ringo I suppose
Rating: PG-13 man.
Warnings: Naughty language, crude humor, and oh Lord too much babble.
Time Frame: Second American Tour, 1965.
Summary: In this chapter, it’s to the Fiore’s and back on an awkward adventure.
Disclaimer!: I own no Beatles. None of their songs
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I really enjoyed this chapter (did u kno!!!!!!!!). I still love the way you write and your characterisations. And those terribly cute images, oh you you know what you do to me don't you you're a rascal.
What's going to happen to them? I'm excited. Tell me. No, don't. I want it to be a surprise.
This is a really good development though penis. Also the presence of Brian. A*. A+ because you're American.
This comment is such a train-wreck lol. My thoughts are really disorganised for some reason so forgive me, I only want to love and be loved.
Do you want me to pick out my favourite bits because I'm going to anyway.
"George had no desire to move to get out, and he suddenly wished he could act like a child and pretend to be asleep so someone would carry him in."
Let me love you.
"And what else should he feel, anyways? George let his eyes linger on the drummer the next time around in his ceiling-Ringo-ceiling cycle, trying to organize his thoughts. It was harder than he’d expected, simple thoughts and the emotions to accompany them like “I like you.” or “We should shag later.” getting jumbled up and thrown into a slowly developing mixing-pot of confliction. Now, those menial thoughts, harmless in his eyes, were morphed into “Should I like you?” or “Should we shag later?”"
Titties, I think everyone else has taken my favourite bits.
"George felt like some sick slime had made its new home on his heart. Or like sock-fuzz was caught between his toes."
Man my head is everywhere, but there are loads of little bits I like but I can't think at all lol. I'm so sorry love. I want a cigar.
I'm going back to saying 'update soon or I'll kick you in the cunt'. It's either this or Kasslash. Oh God, hearty chuckle and wheeze.
Ha, you lose. If you put did u kno!!!! in parenthesis I can pick it out easy you failure.
There are too many you's in that sentence, but I like it. And thank you kindly all of that means a lot. You're my favoritest reader y'know. Don't tell nobody.
I don't even know what's going to happen. I had this chapter all mapped out and if you could see the first draft and compare it to this you would be so confused lol. Things never turn out my way, wah!
I wish I had come up with more lines for Bwi Bwi but alas, he gets like 4.
It seems those first two lines were the best liked lol. The second one almost didn't make the cut, I felt like I worded it all awkward but I guess not hurray.
Yes indeed. You picked my favorite line out, as always. Believe it or not, that's actually the line that I formed this chapter around lol. Er, remember my process I told you, about the line or scene thing. Anyways yeah, you're so perceptive it scares me sometimes lol.
I forgive you because I like this comment. Lol that's so fun to say, Kasslash. I forget who came up with it but it's clever mayne.
Oh sob I didn't know we were trying to hide them. Next time I'll just subtly poke it out of my pocket and whack you in the face with it, see how you like that.
Oh you. I won't tell, giggle giggle jiggle.
To be honest I had a feeling you didn't, lol. Since you said 4 more then more than 4 then ahh where am I. But hey at least they always turn out good. Stop complaining about being good at things you slag.
It's almost like he needs his very own fic or something... oh wait that's me isn't it. lol I still need to make sure all the details are in order and work and then one day it'll just come out like a sticky wet baby, all unexpected like. And sticky.
I would pretend that I was conscious of it but lol that's creepy. Aw also I just remembered I forgot to write you an essay-comment, wahh. I could've used that in it. I'm not doing it now.
Oh hurrah, give us a squeeze. I did, I know it hawk. I can't be bothered to check through all those other comments again to find proof but you must believe me. You must. But you are taunting me with the children cheering, oh God. Every time I think of it I have a fit, so all those ugly looks I get on the tube are your fault you tease.
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