Title: Be Happy, Baby (Chapter 20)
Author: samberrie (itsa me)
Pairing: George/Ringo for this chapter
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Naughty language, crude humor, sexual mentioning’s, homophobic undertones, mo’ angst
Time Frame: Second American Tour, 1965.
Summary: In this chapter, Ringo’s food is delicious. lol wut.
Disclaimer!: I own no Beatles. None of
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I have no idea where it came from, but I just randomly thought of Ringo as an elf, lol. It kind of started out I was thinking of that one G/R fic "Blue-Eyed Slave" which is an AWESOME story, if you haven't already READ IT, random adverts hurray! but then it changed around to some sort of elfy prince thing and I thought it was gold, so I decided to put it in a chapter. Pointless story, but I wanted to get it out that I'm not some sort of freak who has a fetish for elves. o.O
Indirect-love-confessions are <3
& I enjoy making you happy, I do. Yessm, I wills. Hopefully my brain will start working again and I can keep this thing flowing nicely.
Also, a bit off topic but thanks so much for commenting on my earlier chapters! They mean a lot and my face hurts from grinning! So happy to have a new reader <3
Anyhooooe, I couldn't find it on the site, so I guess you'll hafta send me the link, if ya don't mind?
They abandoned it? WHYYY??? Not kewl, bro. But I hope what's left of it is worth it.
Hey, I don't mind giving comments, I love it just as much as I love getting them!
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